Service beats sales every time. Sadly, many car dealers missed the memo. Here are seven dirty tricks of car salesmen you need to know.

1. Trying Too Hard

Have you ever bought something just to get a salesman to shut up already? Most people have, but this isn’t the time or place. Don’t let anybody talk you into a big investment before you’re ready. If they push too hard, walk away and don’t look back. You deserve to be treated with courtesy and respect. 

2. Obscuring the Price

Car salesmen are good at making a deal sound better than it is. Instead of talking about the ticket price, they focus on the minimum monthly payment. Instead of being honest about the true purchase price, they surprise you with a list of hidden car purchase costs you didn’t expect. Wanna avoid this mess? Search for cars online

3. Hiding Vehicle Damage

In a perfect world, every dealer would be 100% open about a vehicle’s history of repairs and accidents. We don’t live in a perfect world. Shady car salesmen conceal those details so they can make quota. I’m not saying you should be paranoid. Just get a CarFax and ask a mechanic to look at the engine before you sign the paperwork.

4. Ignoring Your Concerns

Never let a car salesman make you feel bad for asking questions. Buying a new car is a major investment. I encourage you to ask as many questions as it takes to feel comfortable about your purchase! If nothing else, ask a few tough questions and observe how the salesman responds. If they dodge a question, that’s a sign they can’t be trusted.

5. Tacking on Excessive Fees

This is a problem at the overwhelming majority of car dealers. They tack on fees for everything from the cost of stocking the vehicle to cleaning it before you take it home. It’s 100% ridiculous. My suggestion? Ask for a print-out that lists a full breakdown of every fee. If anything looks questionable, refuse to sign paperwork until it is removed.

6. Charging an Outrageous Interest Rate

Here’s a trick the finance guys at car dealers use all the time. “I just got off the phone with the bank and they agreed to a rate of _____.” They say the bank to make you feel safe and secure. In reality, that interest rate probably sucks. Never agree to finance a car with the dealer. You’ll probably get a better rate at a credit union (or pay cash!).

7. Letting You Buy a Car You Can’t Afford

Don’t assume dealers are looking out for your best interest. Make a car budget before you do anything else. If your dream car doesn’t fit your budget, tough cookies. Buy a more affordable car for now and start saving for the car you really want. 

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