Oil changes are a big deal. Some drivers are skeptical. “Is this a money-making scam?” Nope! Oil is the life-blood of your engine. Without routine oil changes, your engine could suffer a catastrophic failure. Getting your oil changed costs about $120 per year. Replacing an engine costs $4,000+. Would you rather pay $120 now or risk having to spend 33x more later? It’s seriously a no-brainer. If you’re not convinced, check out these oil change benefits. I bet they will change your mind (especially #2).

1. Boost your gas mileage.

As your oil gets dirty, your engine becomes less efficient. It takes more effort to accomplish the same amount of work. You’ll burn more gasoline in the process.

Clean oil provides your engine with good lubrication, which reduces the amount of friction (resistance) required to get the job done. As a result, you’ll save money on gas.

2. Extend the life of your vehicle.

Nothing lasts forever. Your car will crap out someday, no matter how well you care for it. Why not delay the inevitable for as long as possible?

New cars are becoming more and more expensive.  The average new car costs $33,560. Getting an oil change is a cheap and easy way to add years to your vehicle’s life.

The human body needs blood to survive. Blood regulates your body temperature and carries vital substances like oxygen where they need to go. Without a blood supply, you’d be dead.

The auto body needs motor oil to survive. Clean oil keeps your engine cool (note: this is coolant‘s key responsibility) and provides your engine parts with the lubrication they need to operate. Without an oil supply, you’d be stuck.

The longer you keep your car running,
The more time you’ll have to save money,
The less painful it will be to buy a new car!

3. Catch minor issues before they turn into major problems.

How often do you open your hood? If you’re like most drivers, you probably said “rarely” or “never.” Not good! Engines need to be inspected every now and then.

Cars are complicated machines. The average car has about 30,000 parts. In other words, there are many potential points of failure. All it takes is one leak or loose belt: boom, you’re stranded!

When you go to an auto shop and ask for an oil change, that isn’t the only thing they do. The car doctors (mechanics) provide your vehicle with a courtesy check-up (auto safety inspection). They inspect your air filters, fluid levels, and other critical areas. The goal is to identify problems that might cause you to breakdown later.

Granted, you have to be careful. Most mechanics have your best interest at heart, but there are a few rotten apples in the bunch. Here’s an easy way to make sure you would benefit from a suggested repair or maintenance service. Say: “I don’t understand this recommendation. Will you take me to my vehicle and show me the problem?”

Pay attention to their body language. Signs of dishonesty include crossed arms, shuffling feet, hesitant vocal tone, and staring at the ground. If an auto professional refuses to show you the problem and/or can’t persuasively explain why they’re recommending a service, don’t buy it. Need to find an auto shop near you? Check out our directory.

Oil changes have many benefits. Do not delay. Get your oil changed ASAP!

Treat your oil change like a job interview (read: never be late!). Schedule the date on your calendar. If you need to get a ride to work, figure that out ahead of time. Do not procrastinate. The well-being of your automobile depends on it. Want to educate and empower your friends? Click here to share these oil change benefits on Facebook.

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