If you cringe when you go to the pump to fill up with fuel… Join Founder of Women Auto Know Audra Fordin, Talking Tips on Saving Money at The Pumps with Kelly and Ryan

For Immediate Release

Date: Monday, April 11

Audra Fordin, owner of Great Bear Auto Repair and Auto Body Shop, will be featured on today’s edition of the Kelly and Ryan Show. Based in Queens, NY, Audra is a fourth generation Master Auto Mechanic, business owner, mother, and mentor in the community. With over 100 years of automotive heritage, Audra continues to build on her family legacy.

With the auto show in town, Fordin covers some key things every driver should know about fuel efficiency and how to save money on fuel:  “Being auto aware saves money, prevents accidents, and builds confidence,” she said. 

Drivers worry about their ability to be proactive. Fordin believes this fear is totally misguided. “That task should be left to the professionals,” 

Fordin encourages drivers to prioritize prevention. “All you have to do is pay attention,” she said. “As long as you’re inspecting the condition of your tires every month or so, you’ll be fine; unless you run over a sharp object, then call for help!”

When asked about her biggest takeaway from the segment, Kelly and Ryan had this to say: 

Audra Fordin is on a mission to end auto intimidation. She is the bestselling author of “End Auto Anxiety” and the founding CEO of Women Auto Know. “I’m grateful for opportunities to educate and empower drivers,” Audra stated. 

The Kelly and Ryan Show will air this month, Timing depends on where you live. Click here to watch. 

If you’d like to make a donation or find a way to become involved with Women Auto Know please visit wakclone.flywheelstaging.com 

About Women Auto Know:

Founded in, Women Auto Know is based in NY and focuses on automotive education.  Overall the goal of Women Auto Know initiative is to Educate Drivers and improve the Perception of the Auto Industry.  Through education, community feedback, and peer to peer support, Women Auto Know, partnering with local auto shops across the nation, provides women everywhere with the confidence they need to save time, money and increase their automobiles’ performance. 
Women Auto Know Workshops

Our workshops are available nationally through live streaming webinars and workshops. Our founder, Audra also holds live workshops in person at her auto repair shop. Workshop topics and schedules requests should be sent to info@womenautoknowdirectory.flywheelsites.com.