Mornings are chaotic and stressful. There’s nothing easy about getting your kids out of bed in time for school! Get your kids on the bus without a fuss in these seven simple steps.

1. Make a checklist.

What are the major things that have to happen? Write it down. Put a check-list in a convenient place like your refrigerator so your children can refresh their memory.

2. Use a bed time ritual.

Follow the same ritual every night. It could be as simple as brushing teeth, reading a story, and tucking them in. If you’re consistent, they will automatically get sleepy at bed-time.

3. Be a good role-model.

Kids learn by example. If you hit the snooze button, they will too. If you moan and groan, they will be negative like you. If you jump out of bed with enthusiasm, they will follow suit. 

4. Prepare the night before.

If you have a big family, it might be best to bathe at night. While your kids shower, pack lunches and lay out the next day’s outfit. The less decisions you have to make in the morning, the more organized you will be.

5. Assign tasks to your kids.

You can’t do everything. Let your children help! Make sure they understand their responsibilities. For example, you could ask them to brush their teeth and get dressed while you finish preparing breakfast. 

6. Turn it into a competition.

“Whoever gets out of bed and ready for school first the most times in a month wins a toy!” This is super smart and sneaky, because: a) you’ll achieve long-term compliance and b) you’ll turn it into a fun game (kids love games!). 

7. Step away from the computer.

Pinterest and Facebook are the biggest distractions in the world. You tell yourself, “Just a couple more minutes,” but then you look at the clock and ten minutes have passed. Yikes! If you lack self-control, use an app like Leechblock to ban the use of time-wasting websites.

Bonus Tip: Modify your morning routine as you go.

Some of these tips might not work for your family. That’s okay. Focus on the ones that do. You’re also welcome to modify these ideas so they fit your needs and schedule. How do you get your kids on the bus in time for school? Tell us in the comments. Please share this post with your friends so they can have less stressful mornings like you. 

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