Self-driving cars are coming soon. How will this new technology change our society? Here are seven predictions that are based on my research and reflection.

1. Commutes won’t be so bad.

Big city commutes are terrible.

I should know. I live in New York City!

Braving the traffic makes my chest pound.

Everyone is in such a rush that they don’t pay attention.

You never know when an impatient driver will run a traffic light.

This will cease to be a problem when self-driving cars are common.

They aren’t aggressive machines. They’re timid. The Oatmeal compared them to nervous student drivers.  

2. You’ll suddenly have a lot of free time.

The average daily commute is 25.4 minutes each way.

If you live in a big city like NYC, that number might be a lot bigger.

Drivers can’t do much with that time, because it takes focus to prevent traffic accidents.

Self-driving cars would remove that necessity. Drivers could study, read the news, or catch up with friends while the car drives itself. How would you spend that time? Tell me in the comments. 🙂

3. Families won’t need more than one car.  

Cars are only on the road 5% of the time. They spend the other 95% sitting in a parking lot. That doesn’t sound very efficient, does it? Nope!

It’s important to remember self-driving cars aren’t meant to replace the traditional vehicle (at least not yet). Right now they only travel at a max of 25 MPH. These machines are made for city commutes, not high-speed interstates.

Self-driving cars would be great for commutes, errands, and short trips to town. There will be a fleet of them available at some point, which would make eliminate the need for multiple vehicles in a family. They would only need one. Technology might eventually eliminate that need, too, but I doubt that will happen in my life-time.

4. The elderly could get around more easily.

Self-driving cars could make a huge difference in the lives of the injured and elderly.

It sucks to be immobile. Unless those people have a care-giver, they probably don’t get out as much as they should.

And don’t even get me started on how awkward it is to have the dreadful, “Is it time to take the car keys away?” conversation with an older relative. I wouldn’t complain about never having to do that again. 

5. Expect some disruptions in the auto industry.

It’s hard to say how things will shake-out in the auto industry.

Don’t expect Google to get involved in manufacturing. They will probably sell the software to auto companies.

My belief? Those who embrace change will come out ahead. Those who cling to their existing business model will become extinct. Choose wisely. 

6. Cars will no longer be perceived as status symbols.

Past generations lived in small towns where you couldn’t get anywhere without a car. Today, young Americans live in cities with plenty of public transportation. Thus, a lot of them have no need for a car. Cars are losing their position as status symbols. They are becoming a means to an end.

7. Decrease the number of deaths due to distracted driving.

Distracted driving killed 3,154 people in 2013. Another 424,000 people were injured.

Driving requires total concentration. Accidents happen when you fidget with your cellphone.

Sadly, technology has done a number on our attention span. As of 2015, the average attention span is only 8.25 seconds. Compare that to 12 seconds in 2000. Who’s ready for a technology detox? Me!

How do you think self-driving cars will change the world? Tell us in the comments. Share this blog on Facebook to invite your friends to the conversation.

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