If you’re looking to score a sweet deal on a new car or used car, you’re in the right place. The best part? You can stay in your pajamas. Nope, I’m not kidding. Welcome to heaven! It’s fun and easy to buy cars online. Follow these six steps to save tons of cash.

1. Do your homework.

AutoTempest and CarsDirect offer neat search tools that empower consumers with choices.

All you have to do? Select a specific make and model. Enter your zip-code. After you submit that info, you’ll be able to access a list of price quotes from local dealers.

Not enough options? Go to Google, Yahoo, or whatever search engine you prefer. Type:  “cars for sale (your city).” You might not find the exact make or model you want, but with patience you’ll find something good enough.

2. Email three or more dealers.

You can’t trust the price listed on the website, because that doesn’t include hidden car purchase costs and dealer fees (more on that in a sec).

It’s important to have at least three dealers for the rest of this process to work in your favor. If a car is only sold at one place and you’re set on it, fine… but know you won’t have any room to negotiate (that means you will pay more). Got it? Good!

3. Ask for a quote including fees.

Be 100% clear about the fact that you want to know the exact cost of the car. Not just the ticket price. You want to know about all the extra fees that will be tacked on later.

Most dealers will be vague at first, because they’d rather have that conversation in person. That’s Sales 101. Don’t let them have it their way. Here’s a simple script you can use for inspiration (courtesy of FindTheBestCarPrice.com).

4. Sort their price quotes somehow.

Some people like spreadsheets. Others like old-fashioned pen and paper. It doesn’t matter. Type or write down those quotes from lowest to highest. This is where most people get antsy. Buying a car is exciting. “Let’s just go with the best deal now so I can get my ride!” NO. Good things come to those who wait.

5. Make them compete for your business.

It’s time to follow-up with all those dealers you emailed in step #3. Send an email to the most expensive dealer first. Ask them to beat the least expensive quote. If they won’t do it, cross them off your list and move on to the second most expensive dealer. If they offer a price cut, reorganize your list and repeat this process. If they don’t, their loss.

6. Let the process of elimination decide for you.

The beauty of this approach? You don’t have to make a difficult decision. The dealers will make your decision for you.

Of course, it would be foolish to only consider price. Check out online reviews to make sure you can trust a dealer before you do business with them.

If you buy a used car, show it to a mechanic before you sign any paperwork. Having a second opinion from a qualified professional will make you feel confident about whatever you decide.

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