The Internet empowers you with choices. You can research every aspect of car ownership before you even visit a dealership. It’s never been easier to find used cars. Here’s a simple six-step-process you can implement today.

1. Decide what you want.

If you have a family, you might need a mini-van or SUV with enough space to hold kids and luggage. If you’re single, you might be more interested in a convertible or small car that saves money on gas. There is no “right” or “wrong” answer. It all depends on your needs. Figure that out before you do anything else.

2. Determine how much you can spend.

Don’t go car shopping before you make a budget. If you do, a salesman might talk you into an emotional decision that you’ll definitely regret later. Limit your search to cars that fit your criteria.

3. Get recommendations from friends.

Post a Facebook status about how you’re excited to get a car and would love to know where your friends bought theirs. They’ll share details about their experiences (good or bad). Call it a gentle shove in the right direction. This is how Women Auto Know works (except with auto shops). Click here to make your free account now.

4. Cast a wide net with an online search.

Looking for something specific? That requires research. Craigslist and eBay are great, but Autotempest is even better. This site compiles the results from Craigslist, eBay, AutoTrader, and You can specify the make, model, year, and distance you’re willing to drive. Sounds a lot more productive than driving around aimlessly, am I right?

5. Ask a mechanic to look under the hood.

Auto mechanics have tons of experience with cars. They can identify problems that you would never notice. Don’t buy a car until you get a second opinion from an auto expert you trust. Do NOT skip this step or you might get stuck with a clunker. Schedule an appointment at the exact same time as your test-drive to kill two birds with one stone. Talk about efficient! 😉

6. Pause and reflect before you write a check.

This is a big decision. Don’t be hasty. Wait at least one day. If you still think it’s a good idea in the morning, go for it. If you changed your mind, you’ll be glad you waited! If you have any friends who are trying to find used cars, please share this blog on Facebook. Check out the blogs below for more tips and tricks about buying a used car. 

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