Is it time for another school year already? Wow. Summer flew by fast! If you want to make the transition to fall as smooth as possible, apply these back to school shopping tips every mom needs to know (#3 saves so much trouble!).

1. Recycle supplies in your closet. 

If last year’s backpack looks okay, why replace it? Let your children pick out some patches and stickers for decorations to make it feel brand new! Repeat this process with any other items that are in decent shape.

2. Discard the rest to prevent clutter.

Get rid of anything that won’t be used. If it’s beyond repair, toss it in the trash. If it’s in fair condition, donate it to a thrift shop. I recommend doing this before you buy anything new. Otherwise, you’ll end up with a pile of clutter.

3. Make a list of everything you need.

The school should supply a list of what your kids need. If it’s not on that list, don’t worry about it. Yes, your sweet child might see something they like, but why waste money on something that won’t be put to productive use? Only buy what is necessary, no matter how much they beg. 

4. Decide how much you can afford to spend.

I wish they taught budgeting in school. Maybe kids would make smarter financial decisions. They don’t, though, so you’ll have to provide that lesson. Decide how much you can afford to spend. Let your kids make choices based on that amount. If they want a fancy backpack, they’ll have to be frugal about their notebooks. 

5. Withdraw that amount in cash (and stick to it).

Credit cards are TOO convenient. In a way, it doesn’t even feel like you’re spending money. Go to a bank or ATM and withdraw the amount of cash you budgeted. Leave your debit and credit cards at home. This will force you to stick with the plan, no matter how much your children beg and plead.

6. Don’t automatically choose the cheapest option.

Sometimes it’s best to invest in quality. Cheap shoes and crayons aren’t worth a crap. They wear out too fast. It would be better to buy a trusted name brand. Other times, it’s hard to tell the difference between a generic and name brand. This might take some trial and error, but you’ll figure it out.

7. Buy outfits that are appropriate for several seasons.

Boys can wear short sleeve polo shirts in spring, summer, and fall. Girls can use accessories to make an outfit appropriate for any season. Look for opportunities to buy clothes that can be worn over and over again. 

8. Don’t shop at random. Do some price research first!

Do a Google search for “back to school sales (your town).” If you don’t get the newspaper, ask a friend or relative to keep the ads for you so you can check them out later. Planning ahead makes shopping a breeze!

9. Carry your list around so you can shop at your convenience.

Super busy? Stick a shopping list in your purse. Or you could type a list in Evernote. Glance at that list anytime you go to the store. Now you can tackle back to school shopping in bite-sized steps that fit your life.

10. Have a contest with your BFF’s (whoever finds the best deal wins!).

Turn shopping into a fun game or team sport. Whoever finds the best deals wins a free bottle of wine. To make it cost effective, split the price into equal chunks to be shared throughout the group. Smart, huh? Please share this post with your friends so they can save money, too. 🙂

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