If you don’t love your car, you will after you read this blog (dare you to prove me wrong!).

Your car helps you accomplish so much.  You go to work, drop your kids off at school, or take your dog to the park… the mere thought of being without a set of wheels is enough to make most people stir crazy!  

That’s why you need to be mindful of your vehicle’s needs. If you don’t take good care of your car, it could breakdown at the worst time possible. Read ahead to find out how to truly appreciate your ride (and prevent expensive repairs in the process).

1. Thumb through your owner’s manual.

The OMV (owner’s manual for your vehicle) is a story about your car. Sure, the plot could be more exciting, but that’s okay. It’s not a romance novel. It’s a reference guide. You don’t have to read it word for word. Some sections are more important than others. Especially note the maintenance schedule at the end. Following those guidelines can save you tons of money! Lost your OMV? Don’t worry. You can get an online copy for free courtesy of Edmunds.

2. Pay attention to sights, smells, and sounds.  

Your car will tell you when it gets sick. The first sign of a problem is a red or yellow light on your dashboard. If you’re not sure what that indicator means, look inside your OMV to find an explanation. Really pay attention when that indicator turns on. Are there any odd sights, smells, or sounds? If so, make a mental note (and write it down so you don’t forget!). Pass those clues onto your mechanic so they can figure out what’s wrong.

3. Make sure your mechanic understands your needs.

Watch your mechanic’s facial expressions. Do they look puzzled? If so, try to explain the issue in other words. It might be best to show them the problem. Offer to take them on a ride down the block. Then you can point out the symptoms when they occur. This is a smart and simple way to prevent misunderstandings.

4. Place all warranties and service receipts in an envelope.

First, get all the junk out of your glove box. There is no good reason to collect straws, napkins, and ketchup packets. Use this sacred space to store pertinent vehicle information and service receipts. Next, compile all of your warranties in one envelope and put it in your glove box. Any time you get a new service, simply add the receipt to that envelope.

5. Ask the shop to show you the problem before they solve it.

You know what’s stressful? Paying hundreds of dollars for a service you don’t understand. Don’t put yourself in that position. Expect your mechanic to educate you! Ask them to take you outside and show you what they are fixing. You’ll feel better about the investment when you understand why the repair is beneficial and necessary.

6. Expect to be notified before any work is done on your vehicle.

Never agree to a repair before you know the cost. Mechanics can’t always tell you immediately. They might need to run some diagnostic tests to determine what’s wrong. If you can’t wait, leave your phone number. Ask to be notified before any work is done. This puts you in control of the situation. Don’t give up your power!

7. Accept that it costs money to keep your vehicle in good condition.

I don’t care how much you paid for your vehicle. Every car runs better with preventive care. That’s why manufacturers include a maintenance schedule at the end of the OMV. Following that schedule could take you to the 200,000 mile club. Negligence could lead to an early death. What’s it gonna be? Choose wisely. 

8. Put the safety of yourself (and your passengers) before anything else.

Don’t be selfish. Be considerate of your passengers and the people who share the road with you. A well-maintained vehicle protects your friends, family, and total strangers from preventable traffic accidents. And put your phone away. Research shows drivers who text are 23x more likely to wreck. Are you willing to take that risk? I hope not!  

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