Labor Day weekend signifies the end of lazy summer days (does anyone still have those?) and the beginning of cooler temperatures. I can hardly believe that we are cruising into the last few months of 2014. It feels like just yesterday I was just wishing everyone Happy New Year!

As a mom, I’m glad to see the kids getting ready to head back to school. Being on a schedule has always been a good thing in our house. As a wife, I might actually get to spend a little time with my hubby Ed now that the summer craziness is behind us. And as a shop owner and mechanic – I’m really looking forward to sharing some great winter weather tips with all of you! So stay tuned for those!

When you head out to enjoy this last long weekend of summer, take a moment to savor the warm breeze on your tan skin. Cruise with the windows down and spend a few hours enjoying the dappled sun-filled streets before the sun sets on another summer season. And most importantly – stay safe!

Happy Labor Day Weekend from WAK!