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About Your Car

“There is an expectation that even someone who has never opened the hood of their car, has the basic knowledge of how to maintain the day-to-day operation of their car.”

Brakes are something most people never think about, until they’re not….there!  If you’re into stopping before you hit the other car, learn about your brakes.  If you listen, you’ll notice your brakes are always…

Buying Used Car
There are many different types of names for them.  You have Used, Pre-owned, Second Hand, Carefully Driven, Certified, Pampered and plenty of others I’m leaving out.  Let’s get to the bottom line!  It’s a vehicle that was driven by someone else.  You don’t know this person, and for the most part, you don’t know how they treated the vehicle.  Here’s what you should look for…

It is important for you to check your own tire pressure. Check your manual for psi levels. It’s easy, and the first few times you do it, you’ll feel good knowing you’re taking care of your vehicle’s support system.  Although you should always check your pressure, there are times of the year when your air pressure or psi changes…

Finding a Good Mechanic
If you don’t want to dive in yourself, the first thing you need to do is find the right type of auto repair shop. What is the “right type?” Well, you should…

Save on Gas Mileage
Let me be blunt.  The cost of gas reeeeeally stinks.  Someone out there is not looking out for you when it comes to your cars go-juice.  You must and you can get the most from every gallon if you look out for your vehicle…just a little…

Save On Repairs
Most shops break even or lose money on these oil changes, and with big smiles on their faces.  You know what I’m talking about, right?  The part where they say…”Lady, your car looks good, but I noticed you need an air filter.”  In some shops, that $9.95 oil change just became a $50 job…

Oil Changes
3000 miles is the old school way to think oil. Hey, I’m an old school woman, but not when it comes to servicing newer vehicles.  Most likely, you drive a vehicle that was manufactured after 1990, which means your oil change can take place anywhere from…

What’s That Sound
Listen to the vehicle!  Once you turn that key, there should not be any noticeable knocking sounds coming from the engine.  Whether the vehicle is hot or cold,     knocking or…
