Afraid to get under your hood because you might get your hands dirty? Don’t be! Working on cars is fun and empowering. Being auto aware has changed my life in more ways than I can count. Here are five of the biggest ones.

1. I don’t suffer from auto anxiety.

A lot of women see their automobile as a source of stress. If it doesn’t work perfectly all of the time, they get upset. If a check engine light comes on, they ignore the issue until their engine craps out.

Negligence comes with a price-tag. Don’t risk it! You should always take your car to a trusted mechanic at the first sign of a problem. For bonus points, spend a slow day reading the owner’s manual that came with your vehicle. It will teach you how to perform basic tasks like changing your filter and refilling your wiper fluid.

Taking ownership of your vehicle’s condition will empower you. With practice, you will understand the nuts and bolts of how your car works (no matter how complex it might seem now!). Instead of throwing a temper tantrum the next time your engine sputters, you will feel confident enough to pop open your hood and find out what’s going on.  

2. I don’t panic in emergency situations.

I’ve seen enough wrecked cars to know how important it is to keep my eyes on the road. It’s good to be cautious. That will help you identify potential problems quickly enough to avoid them. I’ve also learned it’s best to stay calm in emergency situations.

It all comes down to how you react. If you ever hit a patch of ice, don’t freak out. Slamming your brakes in a panic will do more harm than good. Simply take your foot off the accelerator and keep your gaze forward. Gently accelerate as soon as you regain traction. You’ve got this!

3. I don’t get taken advantage of by mechanics.

I know what you’re thinking. “Of course you don’t get taken advantage of by mechanics… you are a mechanic!” That’s true, but it’s still good to get a second opinion sometimes. When I do, I never ask for a tune-up. Instead, I share details about any strange sights or smells I noticed. Then, I offer a theory about what I think is causing that problem. I ask the mechanic to look into the issue. Sometimes they confirm my suspicion. Sometimes they have a better idea. Either way, I don’t get ripped off, because I’m smart enough to specify my needs.

4. I don’t need a man to “save” me if my car craps out.

It’s empowering to be able to change my tire without calling a man for help. Sometimes I even get to help a man get his car back on the road. Talk about role reversal! If you don’t think getting educated is worth your time, imagine the stunned look on your boyfriend’s face when you change his tire. Wouldn’t that be funny (the answer is YES)?

5. I don’t take my car for granted anymore (This is a big deal!).

My car does so much for me. It gets me to work. It gets my kids to school. It even gives my family the opportunity to go on fun vacations that help us grow closer together. Since your car takes care of you in so many ways, it’s only fair to return the favor. I bet working on cars will help you become a stronger woman too. It doesn’t hurt to try. 

Encourage your friends to consider working on cars.

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Note: A new-and-improved edition of this blog appears in my glove box guide, “End Auto Anxiety.” If you want to prevent traffic accidents and costly repairs, click the link in the previous sentence to visit the book page on Amazon.

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